ACHHAM: Panchadewal Binayak Municipality in Achham has begun a campaign to demolish Chhaupadi goth (menstruation huts) after a 16-year-old girl was raped in a menstrual hut on Monday night.
Although the practice of banishing menstruating women to Chhau goth was criminalized in 2018 itself, many women are still forced to stay in isolation in these huts during their menstruation.
Kamal Rawal, the chairperson of Panchadewal Binayak Ward-6, said they have started demolishing Chhau goths. “We swung into action as some families were still forcing women to stay in menstruation huts,” Rawal added.
The demolition is being carried out with support from the District Police Office, Achham, and non-governmental organizations like Aastha Nepal and Walk Nepal and various schools and child network representatives, he added.
“Sixteen menstrual huts in Ward-6 have already been demolished,” Rawal said.