JANAKPURDHAM: Rajarshi Janak University finally came into existence after two decades of deliberation. Although the university, the first in Madhesh Province, has come into operation with the enactment of the Rajarshi Janak University Act, 2017, it continues to grapple with a lack of essential physical infrastructure. The pace of teaching and learning activities has been hindered due to delays in appointing key officials.
Rajarshi Janak University has been the focal point of heated discussions in recent months. Since its inception, the university has faced numerous challenges, often resulting in frequent closures. The appointment of a vice-chancellor was stalled for an unprecedented 18 months. The administration, along with the vice-chancellor’s office, registrar’s office, and dean’s office, became arenas for controversy as professors and students organized a series of protests placing various demands. While students were concerned about the irregular scheduling of classes and exams, insufficient educational field trips, and a lack of budget allocation for essential resources such as software, network infrastructure, data centers, communication servers, and programming, teachers agitated for increased professional stability and security.
Although the practice of padlocking university offices seems to have abated in recent days, the university continues to face several issues. There has been a notable decline in protest activities after the appointment of the vice-chancellor. Rajesh Kumar Mehta, a BA LLB student, acknowledges that although disputes prevailed before the vice-chancellor’s appointment, the situation has considerably improved. “It is akin to a home finding order with the presence of parents,” he said. “The appointment of the vice-chancellor has instilled confidence that other issues will gradually be resolved.”
Mehta said exams were not being conducted punctually and results were not published on time. delays. “We have seen positive changes recently with examinations adhering to the schedule. Complaints about teachers have also started to diminish,” Mehta said. “Despite these improvements, the university is still suffering due to a lack of physical infrastructure.”
Established in October 2017, Rajarishi Janak University is currently running six educational programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Retired Professor Shailendra Narayan Malik said provisions laid out in the Act have not been implemented. “The Act designates Ram Sagar Multiple Campus as the base for Rajarshi Janak University. However, only a few teachers from there have been integrated into the university. This has exacerbated operational challenges for the university,” he added. He said half of the issues could be resolved with a dedicated campus. “Universities in other provinces boast their physical structures. Rajarshi Janak lacks both the central campus as well as other necessary physical structures. It has compounded operational challenges for the university,” he added.
Rajarshi Janank University has issued affiliations to its central campus and Gaushala Engineering Campus of Mahottari.
Malik said the university has become a victim of government neglect. “Despite a prolonged absence of officials, the provincial government is doing nothing to resolve the issue. The federal government, too, seems disinclined to assist. The university finds itself neglected by the government,” he added.
University Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Amar Yadav said the university is running from a rented building as it still doesn’t have a dedicated building. “Despite this, the university is advancing its educational activities. There have been fewer complaints from students,” he added.
Established in October 2017, Rajarishi Janak University is currently running six educational programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It offers degrees in Agriculture, Humanities, Ayurveda, Oriental Philosophy, Education, Forestry, Management, Medical Science, Tourism, Technical and Vocational, and Science. It has approximately 600 students and a teaching faculty of 55.