Koshi govt agrees to take initiative to rename province

Himal Press 09 Feb 2024
Koshi govt agrees to take initiative to rename province

ITAHARI: The Koshi Province Government has agreed to take the initiative to rename the province.

After a meeting with pro-identity activists over the past two days, the provincial government on Friday signed a five-point agreement agreeing, among others, to rename the province.

As per the agreement, both sides have agreed to take a joint initiative to rename the province. Likewise, the provincial government has agreed to bear the treatment cost of people injured during the pro-identity protest, withdraw cases against people in the protest, and hold another round of meetings.

Kamal Prasad Jabegu, Ganesh Prasad Upreti, Provincial Secretary Laxmi Parad Poudel participated in the meeting from the government side, while Dakendra Singh Thegim, Govinda Bahadur Angbung, Yubaraj Rai, Diwas Rai, Lakpa Sherpa, Kumar Ligden, Padam Limbu, Arjun ameli Rai, Dambar Lawati and Padam Jabegu and Chandra Kumar Chaudhary participated in the meeting from the pro-identity group’s side.

Published On: 09 Feb 2024


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