You will find me at the foreign ministry in due course: Yadav

Himal Press 10 Mar 2024
You will find me at the foreign ministry in due course: Yadav File Photo

Janata Samajwadi Party (JSP) Chairman Upendra Yadav has been sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health and Population in the new coalition government. His meeting with Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba and subsequent delay in joining the government after announcing a new coalition with CPN (Maoist Center), CPN-UML, and Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) initially raised questions about the fate of the new alliance. Yadav ultimately joined the government after safeguarding the Madhesh Province government led by his party. Chandra Shekhar Adhikari of Himal Press talked to Yadav about recent political developments. Excerpts:

There were rumors that you were aspiring to become the foreign minister. Why did you ultimately settle for the health ministry?
Those rumors indeed had some basis. I intend to transition to the foreign ministry once I have initiated reforms within the health ministry. While I cannot provide a specific timeframe at the moment, you can expect to find me at the foreign ministry in due course. The health sector faces numerous challenges. My focus currently is on rectifying these issues.

Are you implying that this coalition government might not last long?
On the contrary, this coalition government is here to stay for the foreseeable future. We have addressed every pertinent issue, and there is a commitment to uphold the coalition’s mandate for its full term. You will fall behind if you don’t work. Those who value hard work must actively contribute to the welfare of the common people. Our dedication lies in serving the common populace. I have not even thought about another government.  No matter how long or short the term is, I will fulfill my responsibilities with honesty and dedication.

There have been discussions about your talks with the opposition party leader. Is something on the cards?
I believe in maintaining respect for all individuals regardless of their political affiliation. I engage with leaders from various parties, including the main opposition leader Sher Bahadur Deuba, as well as KP Sharma Oli, Madhav Kumar Nepal, Jhalanath Khanal and others. I have equal respect for everyone.

I have not even thought about another government.  No matter how long or short the term is, I will fulfill my responsibilities with honesty and dedication.

Some critics argue that individuals accused of wrongdoing are now part of the cabinet. Does this cast doubt on the coalition’s longevity?

Indeed, there are a few such individuals in the cabinet. In a democracy, it is natural for people to voice their concerns and level allegations. We have an independent judiciary to investigate these matters impartially. It is crucial to ensure that the guilty face consequences while also protecting the innocent from false accusations. We have engaged in discussions with ministers facing allegations, and after listening to their perspectives, it appears that these accusations lack substantial evidence. If the judiciary finds evidence of wrongdoing, appropriate action will be taken. Furthermore, the government will assess any potential conflicts of interest. If legal proceedings commence, we will respond accordingly. Nonetheless, facing allegations is not uncommon in politics.

Isn’t it understandable to question the reinstatement of individuals accused of wrongdoing as ministers?
It is natural for questions to arise in such circumstances. However, it’s crucial to remember that individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. If such individuals are part of the cabinet, there are established mechanisms to address these concerns. These mechanisms operate independently and without any undue influence. Not every allegation can be pursued solely based on speculation and hearsay.

Had I not engaged in necessary discussions before forming the new alliance or joining this government, our government in Madhesh could have failed.

Do you anticipate challenges for the JSP-led government in Madhesh province following your ascension to power?

Initially, there were some issues. Had I not engaged in necessary discussions before forming the new alliance or joining this government, our government in Madhesh could have failed. However, I am currently assured about the situation. Nevertheless, anything can happen in politics. I have now safeguarded our provincial government and now hold the position of deputy prime minister in the federal cabinet.

What are your priorities at the health ministry?

I will formulate plans after gathering inputs from the ministry. During my previous tenure at the helm of the ministry four years ago, I introduced a new health policy. This policy has remained the guiding principle for the ministry thus far. I will ensure that this policy is upheld while discharging my responsibilities at the ministry. Our duty is to address challenges in the health sector and work for the well-being of the common people.


Published On: 10 Mar 2024


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