Pakistani embassy shifts to a new location in Chundevi

Himal Press 12 Jul 2023
Pakistani embassy shifts to a new location in Chundevi The Narayan Gopal Chowk-based chancery of Pakistan. (File Photo)

KATHMANDU: The Embassy of Pakistan in Nepal has relocated its chancery from Narayan Gopal Chowk on the Ring Road to a new address on Chundevi Road behind Nirmal Niwas in Maharajgunj.

The new chancery is situated near the embassies of Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Despite owning a plot of land behind Shankha Park along the Ring Road, the Embassy of Pakistan has been operating its chancery from rented buildings until now. No decision has been made regarding the construction of a dedicated embassy building.

Many countries that established embassies during Nepal’s early years of democracy have their own buildings. India, for instance, has a spacious property in Lainchaur, which accommodates the chancery, Kendriya Vidyalaya, sports ground, and the ambassador’s residence. The United Kingdom also has its chancery and ambassador’s residence in Lainchaur.

The Chinese Embassy is located in Baluwatar, where it has its chancery and ambassador’s residence. It has also established a consular office at Hattisar.

The US Embassy boasts a huge chancery building in Maharajgunj and owns a recreation center in Kantipath and the ambassador’s residence in Kamaladi. The embassy is reportedly preparing to renovate the ambassador’s residence.

Both the Russian and German embassies have their own chanceries and ambassadors’ residences on their respective properties. The Swiss Embassy has acquired some property in Nepal but still operates certain offices from rented properties. The Embassy of France sold its ambassador’s residence a few years ago but has chancery on its own property. The Japanese Embassy also has its chancery and ambassador’s residence on its own property.

Embassies of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, South Korea, UAE, North Korea, Egypt, the European Union, Norway, and Finland are also located in rented buildings. Brazilian and Sri Lankan embassies, which share the vicinity with the Pakistan Embassy, are also operating from rented buildings.

Israel, which established diplomatic missions in Nepal much earlier, has not acquired property in the country. Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Bangladesh also operate their embassies from rented buildings.

Published On: 12 Jul 2023


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