Nepse soars with 38.14-point gain; transactions exceed Rs 6.8 billion

Himal Press 18 Dec 2023
Nepse soars with 38.14-point gain; transactions exceed Rs 6.8 billion

KATHMANDU: Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) index posted a gain of 38.14 points and closed trading at 2,060.49 points on Monday, marking the benchmark index’s fifth consecutive session of gains. The index has surged by 172.91 points since the central bank released its first-quarter review of the monetary policy for fiscal year 2023/24, introducing some policy reforms for the secondary market.

The upswing in the benchmark index is supported by transaction volume as shares worth Rs 6.86 billion changed hands on Monday—the highest daily transaction since January 10, when shares worth Rs 7.29 million were traded. Daily transactions on the bourse have consistently risen since the first-quarter review of the monetary policy.

Share prices of 165 companies increased on the day, while 72 declined, and five remained unchanged. Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Ltd recorded the highest turnover of the day, with shares worth Rs 262.67 million traded. Following closely were Sonapur Oil and Minerals Ltd and Soaltee Hotel Ltd, with turnovers of Rs 202.84 million and Rs 184.34 million, respectively. Share prices of nine companies experienced a positive circuit of 10% on the day.

All trading groups, except Hydropower, posted gains on the day. Microfinance sub-index logged the highest gain of 5.53%. Hotels & Tourism and Investment sub-indices followed with gains of 3.255% and 3.1%, respectively.

A total of 21.49 million units of shares were traded on the bourse through 113,693 transactions, and the total market capitalization reached Rs 3.17 trillion.

Published On: 18 Dec 2023


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