KATHMANDU: The Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) index went up by 49.12 points, closing trading at 2,640.68 points on Monday.
Unit prices of 226 companies advanced during the session, while 12 declined and four remained unchanged. NRN Infrastructure and Development logged the highest turnover of the session with Rs 290.99 million worth of shares traded. Next were Sahas Urja Ltd and People’s Hydropower Ltd, with turnovers of Rs 136.54 million and Rs 135.83 million, respectively.
All trading groups posted gains on Monday. The biggest gain came from the Hydropower sub-index, which was up by 3.55%. Next were the Investment and Hotels & Tourism sub-indices, with gains of 2.23% and 3.05%, respectively.
Total turnover crossed the Rs 6 billion mark, reaching Rs 6.30 billion on Monday. Hydropower stocks accounted for more than half of the total turnover, with Rs 3.2 billion worth of shares of hydropower producers traded during the session.
A total of 15.46 million units of securities changed hands on the bourse through 75,540 transactions on Monday.