NC objects to statements of PM Dahal, Deputy PM Lamichhane

Himal Press 21 May 2024
NC objects to statements of PM Dahal, Deputy PM Lamichhane NC lawmaker Badri Pandey. (File Photo)

KATHMANDU: The main opposition, Nepali Congress, has expressed serious concern over the statements made by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Ravi Lamichhane in the House of Representatives.

Speaking in the meeting of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, NC lawmaker and joint general secretary Badri Pandey challenged Lamichhane to identify the “agent” who is selling national information. “Who is this agent? Name him. If you want to hang him, we are ready to help you hang him. Otherwise, don’t let yourself be hanged,” he said.

Pandey also said if the home minister’s statement is not substantiated, it should be removed from the parliamentary record.

He also objected to the Prime Minister’s statement made while tabling a motion of confidence vote in the lower house on Monday. “We will see who has to pay what price in this situation,” Pandey said.

In his address, Prime Minister Dahal had said that the NC will have to pay a heavy price for obstructing his trust vote process.

Pandey also said that the protest of the opposition parties will not end unless there is a guarantee that cooperative victims will get their deposits back. “We are firm on our stance,” he added.

Pandey also said a parliamentary inquiry committee needs to be formed immediately to investigate Lamichhane’s alleged involvement in the cooperative fraud.



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