National Assembly voices regret over Gyanendra Shahi’s remarks

Himal Press 16 Feb 2025
National Assembly voices regret over Gyanendra Shahi’s remarks

KATHMANDU: The National Assembly has passed a resolution expressing regret over the remarks made by House of Representatives member Gyanendra Shahi.

During a Sunday meeting of the Assembly, lawmakers raised concerns about comments made by Gyanendra Shahi on a Facebook page named “Gyanendra Shahi” regarding the functioning of the National Assembly.

“What can one down when the National Assembly has become an old-age home?
The respected elders, who are in the National Assembly to collect allowances instead of being in old age homes, have passed the Media Council Bill – a bill that prevents anyone from liking, sharing, or commenting on the government’s wrongdoings on social media – without even reading it,” Shahi wrote. “This National Assembly has no relevance. It has become a place to accommodate elders who should be in old-age homes and to please party workers. Therefore, it is now necessary to put an end to the National Assembly.”

The Media Council Bill, which was passed by the National Assembly on February 12, was presented to the upper house on May 26 last year. After a theoretical discussion on the Bill, 78 amendments on various clauses were received from 26 members. The Legislation Management Committee of the Assembly held 14 meetings with stakeholders, the concerned ministry, and the members proposing amendments during clause-wise discussion.


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