ITAHARI: The Ministry of Health of the Koshi Province Government has asked private hospitals to submit records and reports of treatment provided to poor, helpless and unclaimed patients.
According to the Health Institution Operation Standards, 2020, hospitals must reserve 10% of their total beds for free treatment of poor, helpless and unclaimed patients. The standards require hospitals to maintain systematic records of patients receiving free and partial services; submit periodic reports to relevant authorities; and publicly display information about free and partial services.
Sending a letter to private hospitals on Friday, the ministry warned that failure to comply with these provisions may result in non-renewal or revocation of operating licenses as per Chapter 11 of the Health Institution Establishment Operation and Upgrade Standards Directive, 2013. “As per the directive, hospitals must submit certified documentation of free treatment provided to poor, helpless and unclaimed patients during the last fiscal year and current fiscal year, including periodic records within seven days of receiving this letter,” the letter states.