Policies and Programs for FY2023/24

Implementation challenging, say opposition, economists

Himal Press 19 May 2023
Implementation challenging, say opposition, economists

KATHMANDU: Opposition parties and economists have raised concerns about the challenges involved in implementing the policies and programs announced by the government on Friday.

Economist Nar Bahadur Thapa, for instance, has pointed out that while all the programs discussed by the government have been included in the policies and programs for the new fiscal year, they have not been prioritized. He emphasized the importance of capital mobilization and the need to bring in foreign investment in the agricultural sector. He also criticized the lack of clarity on capital formation and attracting foreign investments.

Thapa, however, hailed the government’s plan to study the prospects of exporting stone, aggregates, and sand as a means to reduce trade deficit. However, he highlighted the lack of clarity in the government’s policies and programs regarding agriculture. “Increasing investment in agriculture as an industry is crucial for its commercialization. However, this aspect has not been properly recognized,” he added.

Thapa also raised concerns about the government’s approach to healthcare and hydropower. While he appreciated the plan to open civil service hospitals in all seven provinces, he stressed the need to consider the required capital for such projects. Thapa also said that that the government has not prioritized the hydropower sector, despite setting targets for energy exports.

The major opposition parties, including CPN-UML, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), and Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP), have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the policies and programs. UML Secretary Yogesh Bhattarai said the policies and programs document lacks vision and passion, while RPP Chief Whip Gyanendra Shahi expressed dissatisfaction at the failure to include programs to address irrigation and production issues in the Himalayan region. Likewise, RSP’s Santosh Pariyar commented that the policies and programs document has failed to provide concrete solutions to the current economic problems. “There is nothing to address the difficult economic situation that we are seeing at present,” Pariyar added.

Nepal Samajbadi Party Chairman Dr Baburam Bhattarai said the government should have brought policies and programs for radical structural change with a determination that this government will run its full term. to address the country’s needs. He expressed disappointment with the government’s failure to bring about substantial improvements. “Nothing will happen unless we log double-digit growth and create 500,000-700,000 jobs for two decades,” he wrote in a tweet post.

In response to these criticisms, Minister for Finance Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat said that the policies and programs have been designed to meet the country’s needs. “It has everything that are essential for the nation. We only need to be honest and enhance our implementing capacity ” he maintained.

Published On: 19 May 2023


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