Govt piloting dedicated lane for public transport

25 buses will operate on the dedicated lane of Ratnapark-Suryabinayak route from Thursday

Himal Press 19 Sep 2023
Govt piloting dedicated lane for public transport Photo: RSS

KATHMANDU: In a significant move aimed at enhancing the reliability, speed, and efficiency of public transportation, the government is designating a dedicated bus lane connecting Suryabinayak of Bhaktapur with Ratnapark of Kathmandu. Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport is inaugurating the service on the occasion of Constitutional Day on Wednesday.

Construction work on the dedicated lane continued at full throttle until Tuesday evening. The lane has been painted red. The dedicated bus service will operate on this lane during two specific time slots: from 9 to 11 in the morning and from 4 to 6 in the evening. Emergency vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, and fire engines will also be permitted to use the dedicated lanes.

Although the service will be inaugurated on Wednesday, it will enter full-fledged operation from Thursday onwards only. Initially, 25 buses, each with more than 30 seats, will operate within the dedicated lane. The buses will depart every 5 minutes from both ends of the route. Passengers will be able to board and disembark at designated bus stops, while other vehicles will be prohibited from stopping at these locations.

The Department of Transport Management is operating the buses in collaboration with the Federation of Nepal Transport Entrepreneurs. According to the department, dedicated lanes will be expanded to other routes if the service becomes successful on the pilot route i.e. Syryabinakya-Ratnapark-Suryabinayak.

Published On: 19 Sep 2023


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