Deuba in discussion with opposition leaders as trust vote nears in Madhesh

Himal Press 29 May 2024
Deuba in discussion with opposition leaders as trust vote nears in Madhesh Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba (File Photo)

KATHMANDU: Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress (NC) President Sher Bahadur Deuba held discussions with top leaders of various political parties on Wednesday.

According to an NC leader, Deuba discussed recent political developments with leaders of other political parties.

CPN (Unified Socialist) Chairperson Madhav Kumar Nepal, Janata Samajbadi Party, Nepal (JSP Nepal) Chairperson Upendra Yadav, Loktantrik Samajbadi Party (LSP) Chairperson Mahantha Thakur, among others, attended the discussion.

While the Unified Socialist is the ruling coalition partner, NC, JSP Nepal, and LSP are in the opposition.

According to leaders, the discussions covered topics like the Madhesh Province Government, recent political developments, as well as the parliamentary inquiry committee formed by the House of Representatives on Tuesday. They have said that discussions will continue in the coming days as well.

The Madhesh Province Government led by JSP Nepal’s Saroj Kumar Yadav has fallen into a minority after CPN-UML and CPN (Maoist Center) withdrew their support. As per the constitutional provision, Yadav must take a floor test within 30 days of the withdrawal of support.

A meeting of the Madhesh Province Assembly has been called for June 3 for the trust vote process.

Yadav must have the support of 54 members to secure a vote of confidence in the 107-member Madhesh Province Assembly. NC, JSP Nepal, Unified Socialist, and LSP together have 54 members in the province assembly.

The four parties are likely to form a coalition to form a new government in Madhesh. Preparations are also underway to bring some fringe parties on board, according to leaders.


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