Decision to close TikTok draws widespread criticism

Himal Press 13 Nov 2023
Decision to close TikTok draws widespread criticism

KATHMANDU: The government’s move to shut down the video-sharing site TikTok has faced widespread criticism.

Critics have expressed their discontent on social networking platforms such as Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), questioning the decision to close TikTok instead of implementing regulatory measures. Notable figures, including Nepali Congress General Secretary Gagan Kumar Thapa, opposition UML Deputy General Secretary Bishnu Rimal, and Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) President Rabi Lamichhane, have voiced their disapproval.

The cabinet meeting held on Monday morning decided to close TikTok.

Common citizens have also joined the chorus of criticism, faulting the government for choosing to shut down a developed technology rather than regulating it. NC General Secretary Thapa emphasized the need for regulation to curb the misuse of social media. “Closing the platform altogether is not the solution. The government should reconsider its decision to close TikTok,” he wrote

UML General Secretary Shankar Pokhrel has labeled the TikTok ban as inappropriate, emphasizing that selectively closing platforms in the name of regulation is misguided. “Content-based regulation is the best approach to prevent chaos and disorder,” he said in a Facebook post.

Similarly, UML Deputy General Secretary Bishnu Rimal proposed establishing rules instead of shutting down TikTok. “The government should not close social media platforms arbitrarily but rather focus on content regulation,” he wrote on X.

RSP President Rabi Lamichhane said the problem is the content, not the platform. “There may have been problems with the content, what is the fault of the medium?” Lamichhane questioned. “The videos uploaded on TikTok can be uploaded to Reel, uploaded to Instagram or Facebook. Are all platforms going to be shut down?” Lamichhane also wondered whether the government will also close political parties because many leaders of the ruling parties are corrupt. In today’s era, the alternative to social media is better, improved and more disciplined social media.

Journalist Shivraj Yogi criticized the government, likening its actions to “cleaning a mirror instead of removing dust from its face.”

Social media user Kulung Rai suggested that the government’s decision to shut down TikTok may be linked to CPN (Maoist Center) activist Shanti Baral. He was referring to a video allegedly featuring Baral displaying explicit content that went viral on TikTok.

Kedar Sitaula, another social media user, speculated that the government’s move was driven by fear of Durga Prasai who is leading a ‘nationalist’ campaign.

Comparisons have been drawn between the decision to close TikTok and former King Gyanendra Shah’s decision to restrict news broadcasts on radio stations.

Nepal boasts an estimated 13.5 million TikTok users, with nearly 90% falling in the 18-34 age group.

While UML youth leader Mahesh Basnet has welcomed the government’s decision to close TikTok, he has also called for the regulation of YouTube and other social networks.

Published On: 13 Nov 2023


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