CIB arrests three more in Lalita Niwas land grab scam

Himal Press 02 Jul 2023
CIB arrests three more in Lalita Niwas land grab scam

KATHMANDU: Police have made three more arrests in the Lalita Niwas land grab scam.

The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police on Sunday arrested Babu Raja Maharjan, Ghaman Kumar Karki, and Shivaji Bhattarai for an investigation into the scam. They have been accused of forging government documents in order to register government land under private names.

According to the police, Shivaji Bhattarai is an officer at Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC). He was the chairperson of Ward-4 of KMC when the transfer of Lalita Niwas land to different individuals took place. Likewise, Babu Raja Maharjan was created as a fake tenant to facilitate the transfer of ownership of government land, while Ghaman Kumar Karki was a staffer at the Land Revenue Officer’s office when the scam was orchestrated.

The other four individuals arrested in connection with the case – Min Bahadur Gurung, Sudhir Shah, Dharma Prasad Gautam, and Gopal Karki – are currently in police remand.

Published On: 02 Jul 2023


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