Celebrities share their Dashain plan

Susmita Bajagain 20 Oct 2023
Celebrities share their Dashain plan

KATHMANDU: Who wouldn’t want to receive blessings from dignitaries and reunite with family, friends, and relatives during Dashain, the biggest Hindu festival of Nepal? Whether it is before or after Bijaya Dashami – the main day of the festival, people make sure to come together with their loved ones for the celebrations.

Those who are in the capital city for business, jobs, or studies are in a hurry to return to their homes. As the Dashain holidays are longer, everyone has their own plans. However, the busy schedules of celebrities don’t always allow them to celebrate Dashain with their families.

Some artists, writers, singers, and songwriters have traveled to foreign lands to celebrate the festival with the Nepali diaspora, while others are occupied with their work or busy promoting their films. Nevertheless, some manage to take time from their hectic schedules to enjoy quality time with family, friends, and relatives.

Sabir Churaute (Actor)
Dashain holds a special place in my heart. It is a fun-filled festival for me. The weather is delightful, neither too cold nor too hot. This year, I am heading to the village for Dashain, where I will enjoy the company of my childhood friends. There’s also a cultural program planned in the village, and I am looking forward to visiting some places.

Bhagirath Chalaune (Singer)
I will be going back home to celebrate Dashain with my family, even if it means canceling some of my commitments. Dashain is a truly special festival for me. I plan to stay a few more days in Kathmandu to participate in the special cultural programs. I will reach home one day ahead of Bijaya Dashami this year.

Samudra Bhatt (Film Director)
I celebrate Dashain right here in Kathmandu with my family. I am quite busy working on the script for my new film and editing my film ‘Gunyun Cholo: Coming of Age of a Girl’. Additionally, I am preparing for the screening of this film.

Ashant Sharma (Actor)
I will be going home on the day of Phoolpati. My mother is getting older, and it’s important to celebrate Dashain with my family and seek her blessings. It will also bring joy to my mother. Meeting old friends and having a good time are a part of the plan. There is also a script to prepare for our new play during the holidays.

Laxman Sunar (Film Director)
I always return to my village to celebrate Dashain. The joy of celebrating Dashain in the village is unparalleled. This year, I plan to travel back home after the day of Phoolpati. I will meet my friends and have a great time, and I’ll receive Tika from my mother on the day of Bijaya Dashami. Once back in Kathmandu, I’ll be busy with the script for my new film.

Babul Giri (Singer)
I absolutely adore the Dashain festival. I always head back to my village for Dashain celebrations. In fact, it is the only time of the year when I get to go home. I will return to my village on the day of Phulpati, and I will spend the Dashain holiday enjoying time with my family. I don’t do work planning during Dashain.

Dipendra Lama (Film Director)
I will be using the Dashain holidays to work on the script for my upcoming film. There is also a plan to visit friends and do some traveling during the festivities.

Published On: 20 Oct 2023


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