Health Insurance Board prioritizes structural reform in strategic roadmap

Himal Press 04 Oct 2024
Health Insurance Board prioritizes structural reform in strategic roadmap

KATHMANDU: The Health Insurance Board has prioritized structural strengthening and good governance in its five-year strategic roadmap.

Revision of the Health Insurance Act and Regulations, creating necessary procedures and increasing citizen participation in the insurance program are the other priorities of the board as per the five-year strategic map of the board unveiled earlier this week.

Other strategies include sustainable financial management in health insurance operations, improving health services provided by listed health institutions, strengthening the insurance management information system, revising the claim management system, improving the monitoring and evaluation system, and coordination and collaboration for effective program implementation.

According to the board, it has expanded the health insurance program to all local units across country. A total of 8,114,594 people (28% of the total population) and 2,514,220 families have joined the health insurance program as at mid-July. Likewise, 48% have received health services through health insurance so far. The board said that 62% of the total insured citizens renewed their insurance in fiscal year 2023/24.


Published On: 04 Oct 2024


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