LUMBINI: The excavation carried out in Ramgram, Nawalparasi, has revealed the ruins of a monastery and the structure of an ancient pond in the Ramgram Stupa area.
The excavation was conducted by experts from the Department of Archaeology (DoA), Lumbini Development Trust (LDT), UNESCO, and Durham University, UK, for about a month.
The team also conducted a geophysical survey in the Pandiput area.
“The team unearthed ruins of walls of an ancient monastery, ponds, and other artifacts,” said Ram Bahadur Kunwar, the spokesperson for the DoA. “The geophysical survey in the Panditpur area has shown ruins of an ancient city under the land surface. Available evidence suggests that Panditpur could be a city of the ancient Koliya state.”
Kunwar also underlined the need to conduct surveys in areas about 1,000 meters outside the Ramgram Stupa area.
The excavation team on Sunday briefed people’s representatives and other stakeholders about the findings of the excavation.
Professor Robin Cuningham of Durham University, UK, said since the Ramgram Stupa is a very important ancient heritage, the excavation will be of great help in confirming its importance. “We are unearthing ancient structures of Ramgram Stupa. Now, this heritage should be preserved by the local people,” he added.
“The month-long excavation carried out in the Ramgram area substantiated the findings of the geophysical survey that we conducted earlier,” Dhundi Raj Bhattarai, the treasurer of LDT, said. “The discovery of ruins of an ancient monastery and pond has further highlighted the archaeological significance of the Ramgram area.”
Speaking on the occasion, Dhanpat Yadav, Mayor of Ramgram Municipality, expressed dissatisfaction with the government for not prioritizing excavation in the Ramgram area which is believed to contain a stupa that housed the mortal remains of Gautam Buddha. “The findings of the excavation have made us excited. We request the government to increase the scope of the excavation,” he added.
Himal Kumar Upreti, a senior archaeology officer with LDT, said fresh excavations conducted in Ramgram will help to determine to which period of history the unearthed artifact belongs.
The Ramgram Stupa is believed to be one of the eight stupas where Gautam Buddha’s mortal remains were kept. It is the only stupa that is believed to be intact.