Guilty won’t be spared: Home Minister

Himal Press 08 Aug 2023
Guilty won’t be spared: Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha (File Photo)

KATHMANDU: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has stated that no individual will be spared if found culpable based on factual evidence.

Answering queries raised by lawmakers during Tuesday’s session of the House of Representatives, Shrestha underscored the unwavering commitment of the government to hold wrongdoers accountable without exception. “Regardless of their affiliations, whether they belong to the CPN (Maoist Center) or any other political parties, those proven guilty by evidence will be held accountable,” affirmed Shrestha.

He requested lawmakers not to doubt the government’s intention, stating that the implicated individuals have been arrested for investigation. “Our paramount priorities at present include ensuring good governance, fostering prosperity, and achieving social justice. The government is steadfastly advancing towards these goals,” he further stated.

Minister Shrestha also said that some unscrupulous are trying to use Nepal as a transit for gold smuggling with the support of international criminal networks. “This not only compromises our security but also deals a significant blow to our economy,” he noted. “The government won’t let that happen.”

Shrestha also elucidated the range of reforms initiated by the government. “We have put a halt to the misuse of state funds under the guise of ‘informant’ payments. Additionally, comprehensive investigations have been initiated into the Bhutanese refugee scam and the Lalita Niwas land grab scam,” he said. “We are actively working to establish good governance and foster social justice.”

Published On: 08 Aug 2023


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